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What a Flexible Borescope Is

Borescopes are amazing pieces of technology that were conceptualized and used in primitive forms as early as the 1930s. They’ve served many industries and aspects of our lives since then. With the onset of the amazing technology of fiber optics, borescopes were changed forever and made even more amazing and useful. Even so, many people […] read more…

Common Applications of Borescopes

One of the most exciting developments in camera history is the borescope. These fantastic devices combine so many ideas that were once science fiction into a present-day wonder. A borescope is essentially a tiny, live camera mounted on either a flexible length of fiber optics or at the end of a rigid tube, much like […] read more…

The Different Industries That Utilize Borescopes

One of the most fascinating tools used today is the borescope—a tiny camera and light that can be viewed remotely and has many practical applications. Many essential industries would agree, and various industries make use of different kinds of borescopes. The most common among the different industries that utilize borescopes are aviation, HVAC, mechanics, and […] read more…